Coming Soon Communities Near 5785 W 38Th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212
Community Details
Community Details
- Builder(s):
- StoryBuilt.
- Selling status:
- Sold out
- School district:
- Jefferson County School District R-1
Community Amenities
- Dining Nearby
- Park Nearby
- Open Greenspace
- Shopping Nearby
Community Address
5785 W 38Th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212
- County:
- Jefferson
Schools in Jefferson County School District R-1
- Grades PK-06Publicmolholm elementary school0.7 mi6000 west 9th avenuena
GreatSchools’ Summary Rating calculation is based on 4 of the school’s themed ratings, including test scores, student/academic progress, college readiness, and equity. This information should only be used as a reference. Jome is not affiliated with GreatSchools and does not endorse or guarantee this information. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility. Data provided by GreatSchools.org © 2024
Getting Around
4 nearby routes: 4 bus, 0 rail, 0 other
Air Quality
The 30-day average AQI:Good
Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
Provided by AirNow
Natural Hazards Risk
Climate hazards can impact homes and communities, with risks varying by location. These scores reflect the potential impact of natural disasters and climate-related risks on Jefferson County
Riverine Flooding94.5
Relatively Moderate
Relatively High
Relatively Low
Heat Wave0.0
No Rating
Strong Wind89.3
Relatively High
Relatively High
Provided by FEMA
Financial Details
Average Home Price in Wheat Ridge, CO 80212
Average new home price
Average price per sqft
Calculated based on the Jome data
New Homes for Sale Near 5785 W 38Th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212
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Other Builders in Wheat Ridge, CO
Judy. by StoryBuilt.
This community is sold out. The information provided reflects details of the community when it was on the market.
Welcome to a sneak peek of the newest community, Judy.
55 townhomes on West 38th Avenue. StoryBuilt. ші bringing a reset to Northwest Denver’s Wheat Ridge with Judy; fresh, stylish, and modern. Judy’s homes are light-filled and easy, set on the most walkable street in town.
Wheat Ridge mixes old and new with a fun sense of community, eclectic shops, and dining options. Less than a mile from Tennyson Street and just 3.5 miles from downtown, it’s a taste of small town life that’s close to all the big city has to offer.
There’s so much outdoors – parks are everywhere and I-70 is nearby to take you to the mountains. Judy is going to be a breath of fresh air.
Last checked Jan 2, 6:42 pm