Coming Soon Communities Near 7802 Cottonwood Drive, Greenville, TX 75402
Community Details
- Builder(s):
- Altura Homes
- Selling status:
- Sold out
- Contract to close:
- Up to 60 days
- School district:
- Greenville Independent School District
Community Amenities
- Dining Nearby
- Common Grounds
- Lake Access
- Entertainment
- Shopping Nearby
Features & Finishes
- Fence:
- Fenced Yard
Community Address
7802 Cottonwood Drive, Greenville, TX 75402
- County:
- Hunt
Schools in Greenville Independent School District
- Grades M-MPublicaerospace academy1.2 mi1316 wolfe city drna
GreatSchools’ Summary Rating calculation is based on 4 of the school’s themed ratings, including test scores, student/academic progress, college readiness, and equity. This information should only be used as a reference. Jome is not affiliated with GreatSchools and does not endorse or guarantee this information. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility. Data provided by © 2024
Getting Around
Walk Score ®
2 /100
Bike Score ®
30 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Air Quality
The 30-day average AQI:Good
Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
Provided by AirNow
Noise Level
Traffic NoiseActive
Local Sources NoiseCalm
Airports NoiseCalm
A Soundscore™ rating is a number between 50 (very loud) and 100 (very quiet) that tells you how loud a location is due to environmental noise.
Natural Hazards Risk
Climate hazards can impact homes and communities, with risks varying by location. These scores reflect the potential impact of natural disasters and climate-related risks on Hunt County
Riverine Flooding89.5
Relatively Moderate
Relatively Low
Very Low
Relatively Low
Heat Wave93.4
Relatively Moderate
Strong Wind95.2
Relatively High
Relatively High
Winter Weather92.7
Relatively High
Cold Wave81.8
Relatively Moderate
Relatively Low
Relatively Low
Relatively Moderate
Ice Storm71.5
Relatively Moderate
Relatively Low
Provided by FEMA
New Homes for Sale Near 7802 Cottonwood Drive, Greenville, TX 75402
Recently Added Communities in this Area
Communities in Greenville by Altura Homes
Other Builders in Greenville, TX
Cottonwood by Altura Homes
This community is sold out. The information provided reflects details of the community when it was on the market.
Cottonwood in Greenville, TX is a thriving community that combines the best of hometown warmth and big-city excitement within the natural beauty of East Texas. Find affordable, energy efficient homes that includes standard with features that go beyond utility savings. Designed with upgraded granite countertops, luxury vinyl flooring, walk in closets, and more. Create an enjoyable, vibrant home where families and businesses choose to live, grow and prosper.
- Surrounded by many attractions
- Proximity to lakes
- Multiple entertainment options
- Near many restaurants and shopping areas
- Greenville ISD
Last checked Sep 25, 9:53 am