Coming Soon Communities Near 5911 S. 25Th Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85041
Community Highlights
Welcome to Liberty: Premier, a single-family home community by Lennar located in 5911 S. 25Th Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85041. Currently, the community status is Sold out. With 0 homes.
Community Details
Community Details
- Neighborhood:
- South Mountain
- Builder(s):
- Lennar
- Home type:
- Single-Family
- Selling status:
- Sold out
- School district:
- Phoenix Union High School District
Community Amenities
- Playground
- Sport Court
- Gated Community
- Community Pool
- Park Nearby
- Basketball Court
- Picnic Area
- Walking, Jogging, Hike Or Bike Trails
- Master Planned
Community Address
- Neighborhood:
- South Mountain
- County:
- Maricopa
Schools in Phoenix Union High School District
GreatSchools’ Summary Rating calculation is based on 4 of the school’s themed ratings, including test scores, student/academic progress, college readiness, and equity. This information should only be used as a reference. Jome is not affiliated with GreatSchools and does not endorse or guarantee this information. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility. Data provided by GreatSchools.org © 2024
Getting Around
4 nearby routes: 4 bus, 0 rail, 0 other
Air Quality
The 30-day average AQI:Moderate
Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
Provided by AirNow
Natural Hazards Risk
Climate hazards can impact homes and communities, with risks varying by location. These scores reflect the potential impact of natural disasters and climate-related risks on Maricopa County
Provided by FEMA
Financial Details
Average Home Price in South Mountain Neighborhood
Calculated based on the Jome data
Taxes & HOA
- Tax rate
- 0.85%
- HOA fee
- $90/monthly
New Homes for Sale Near 5911 S. 25Th Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85041
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Liberty: Premier by Lennar
Premier is a collection of new single-family homes at Liberty, a gated masterplan community in Phoenix, AZ. Residents will enjoy great onsite amenities, including a greenbelt, playground, picnic area, BBQs, a basketball court, game tables and more. Downtown Phoenix is just a short drive away, while nearby South Mountain Park and Preserve is ideal for families who enjoy hiking, biking and horseback riding. Close proximity to transportation corridors makes the commute into the city a breeze.
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- Liberty: Premier