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Meritage Homes

Meritage Homes

Developer / Builder

8800, East Raintree Dr., Suite 300, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, US
  • 1985foundation year
  • 145k+homes delivered

Meritage Homes Corporation is a publicly traded American real estate development company that constructs a variety of single-family detached homes across the United States. With more than 100,000 homes built, the focus, since day one, has been to build incred...ible new homes and communities in prime locations for fantastic prices. Meritage Homes build them for real people: people with families and those without; people with everyday, busy lives, and those who are now enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle. But more than anything, they build energy-efficient homes and communities for people who appreciate a home being built the way it can, and should, be built. For you it means having a new home that comes standard with ENERGY STAR features that save money and energy, month after month, at no extra cost to you. Meritage Homes Corporation has a long history of successful homebuilding operations across the United States and will continue to grow for many years to come.

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Buyer Reviews

  • David Vance

    This is my wife's and mine first time buying a home. The sales team was incredibly helpful and informative. We got exactly what we wanted with no hassle.

  • Carolina Medeiros

    Amazing builder with great quality and costumer service! My purchase process was seamless from the beginning to after closing. They are very committed and professional! I own 3 houses from Meritage Homes and am planning on buying a few more!

  • Jeff Graham

    Good experience thus far.

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