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LaParis Custom Homes

LaParis Custom Homes

Developer / Builder

Amethyst Dr Fort Worth, TX

We offer the experience and expertise that one would expect in a truly custom home. We use only the highest grade of construction materials and always use best-practices in approaching every job phase. La Paris Custom Homes offers energy-saving building techni...ques, as well as the use of high-efficiency appliance, fixtures, and, mechanical systems. We strive to make the home buying and home building process an experience that allows the buyer’s dreams to come true.

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Buyer Reviews

  • P.S. “Pearl” ifopo

    LaParis Custom Homes built the Home I currently live in and I’m in Love. The Home is just Beautiful . They did an Amazing job..

  • Tracy Heslink

    First of all, we weren't really looking for an immediate need but, when we looked at the property, the VIEW was what made me want to pull the trigger on selling our current home and move!

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